
What is Conviction, Let us look at the Websters Dictionary Definition: Conviction-Noun, A fixed or firm belief.

Everyone has conviction in there life, as we all have a fixed or firm belief in something like: work, religon, politics, family, friends, etc.

But let's take this definition a little further: In Theology Conviction means: A strong belief that something is true, even in the face of doubt or uncertainty. There are many examples of people in the bible living with conviction, like; Danial 1:8-9, "Danial was resolved not to defile himself with the kings food or wine: so he begged the Chief Chamberlin to spare him the defilement. Though God had given Danial the favor and sympathy of the Chief Chamberlin."

The Bible also shows us examples of conviction in faith, for example; "Abraham had faith that God would fulfill his promise to make him the father of many nations, even though he was old and childless." (Romans 4:17-21)

As Catholics we have a strong conviction in our faith, the Church and our Catholic Teachings, also as Cursillistas we have a strong conviction in our movement and in our brother's and sister's.

This leads us back to our mission as baptised Catholics and Cursillistas- which is to spread the Good News of Christ, but more importantly to be the good news to others. This is important in our society today as Christianity is being attack from all sides. We as Catholic Christians need to stand strong and united in our coviction of our faith, so we can overcome these attacks from outside the church and from within. We need to be the " Lamp Stand of Jesus" and shine his saving Graces and the truth of salvation to the world> How do we do this, with  our fundimental Cursillo method of Piety, study, and apostolic Action. We need to have our eyes fixed firmly on our enviornments, studing everthing, so we can plan our Apostolic Action through Prayer on how to carry out God's will in our enviornments. So, we can spread the truth that Christ Love's us All. As we learn in Cursillo we need to be friends with Christ, so we can make friends for Christ. Let's all of us have the conviction on our Apostolic Action and Make a Friend, Be a Friend and Bring a Friend to Christ.
